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San José Cooperativa – Sueña, Solicita, Viaja

Client Name:

San José Cooperativa




Credit Union


• Design
• Communication Strategy
• Digital Media

It’s a common conception that applying for a loan can be a long and stressful process. This negative perception often leads individuals to abandon their aspirations, believing that obtaining the necessary financing is too big of a challenge.

Contrary to this belief, our client San José Cooperativa excels in delivering a hassle-free application experience, providing timely loans that alleviate these burdens on their clients. In an effort to highlight this, we devised a clever wordplay concept campaign, breaking down the financing process into three simple steps. Each financial product featured its own set of words, carefully chosen to reflect the ultimate goals most individuals strive to achieve. This line of communication was further accentuated by the incorporation of a traffic light image that represents the ease with which one can progress toward their goals at the credit union.

For instance, the creative for Personal Loan was encapsulated by the words “Sueña, Solicita, Viaja” (Dream, Apply, Travel). This way, the campaign effectively communicates that at San José Cooperativa the path to realizing your dreams is not only accessible but also efficient and simple.